A Listing of Xander’s Children

Wednesday Addams - Slayer - 16 Danny Doyle - Mage, Half Demon, Half Fey - 17 Aiden Harris - Demigod - 4 Harry Potter - Mage, Demigod - 3 Neville Longbottom - Mage, Demigod - 3 Annylisa Harris - Guide - 8 months Ryan Harris - Guide - 8 months Jesina Harris - Slayer - … Continue reading A Listing of Xander’s Children

The Awakening of All 16

Title: The Awakening of All Author: CaliaDragon Fandom: Buffy, NCIS, The Sentinel, Numbers, Stargate Universe Pairing: Xander Harris/Graham Miller, Tony Dinozzo/John Sheppard, Rodney McKay/Ronon Dex, Daniel Jackson/Jack O’Neill, Willow/Oz, Faith/Spike, Riley/Sam Finn, Buffy/Angel, Rupert Giles/Ethan Raine, Timothy McGee/Miko Kusanagi Summary: When Wolfram and Hart open a portal to hell in LA, Xander comes back and … Continue reading The Awakening of All 16