The Awakening of All 17

Title: The Awakening of All

Author: CaliaDragon

Fandom: Buffy, NCIS, The Sentinel, Numbers, Stargate Universe

Pairing: Xander Harris/Graham Miller, Tony Dinozzo/John Sheppard, Rodney McKay/Ronon Dex, Daniel Jackson/Jack O’Neill, Willow/Oz, Faith/Spike, Riley/Sam Finn, Buffy/Angel, Rupert Giles/Ethan Raine, Timothy McGee/Miko Kusanagi

Summary: When Wolfram and Hart open a portal to hell in LA, Xander comes back and finds himself coming online during the battle. In the aftermath, he meets Tony DiNozzo and saves the man’s life. In doing so he finds a new mission, a mate, and a new enemy.

Part: 17/?

Word Goal: 51,861 I started writing this a ways back and decided to make it my personal project for NANO. 

Word Count: 1,844/27,706/51,861

Content Rating: R just to be safe

Warnings: Character Bashing, Permanent Injury(Xander’s Eye), I hate Ziva. Blood and death, Magickal Manipulation, Xander being Xander. Sex and Bonding. Abby is an asshole. Mind Control.

Author’s Note: It finally has reached a pivotal point in the story.

Hetty Lange had lived a life on the edge since the moment she chose to walk a different path than the one set down for a woman of her generation. Becoming a government agent and devoting her life to one cause or another had shaped the woman that she was and that woman knew about the supernatural and of course about the Slayer.

Hetty had done a great deal to protect her people from the threats that merely living and working in Los Angelus would bring on them. However, she was not prepared for a demonic invasion. 

Thankfully the Council was and she had outfitted her people to survive and survive they did, it was the aftermath that left her reeling. Timothy McGee had been left to be eaten alive and Anthony DiNozzo had been left to die by Ziva David.

In the process, everything that Hetty had thought she had known about Anthony DiNozzo turned out to be wrong. Now she had to figure out how to make things up to the younger agent, but that was secondary to what was about to happen.

Leon Vance was her Director and if he thought that she would allow Ziva to get away with feeding the two young agents to demons, he didn’t know her at all. “I don’t care who her father is, Ziva David is to blame for what Tim is suffering and she shot a Guide in the back while trying to kill Anthony.” Dr. Donald “Ducky” Mallard was saying to both Leon and Abigal Scuitto. 

“She was cursed Ducky,” Abigail whined out yet again.

“The curse that was on her doesn’t work that way Abigail, Ziva is responsible for her actions. She fed Timothy to a demon.” Ducky snapped out.

“But-” Abby began.

“Enough! Ms. Scitto if you say another word you will be on suspension for a month.” Leon suddenly snapped, everyone gaped at him in surprise, he looked genuinely furious.

“I mean it!” He snapped when she opened her mouth to respond.

“Leon. Mr. Harris and his Sentinel are here.” Gibbs said from inside the doorway, he ignored the looks that Abby was sending him just as he ignored Ziva. Gibbs knew he had a lot to answer for when it came to his treatment of the two women, some of which he was sure led to the current situation, but he would be damned if he was going to help Ziva get away with what she had done to Tim and Tony.

“Bring him in, let’s get this over with,” Leon said glaring at Gibbs, he wanted to blame the man but Leon knew he had a lot to answer for on his own when it came to the two women.

Xander and Graham interred the room calmly, both men narrowed their eyes at Ziva and Xander actually growled at her. She lifted her chin and then swallowed at the look in the Guide’s eye. The Guide wasn’t supposed to be the most dangerous one in a pairing, but she had a feeling that wasn’t the case between these two.

“Mr. Harris, thank you for coming in a speaking to us about what happened to Timothy,” Ducky said quietly.

Xander gave him a sad smile. “I want justice for him and for Tony.”

“Then let’s give it to them,” Hetty said as she nodded to the pair, Abby glared at Xander, who gave her a cool look in return, she swallowed and sat back in her chair, then he narrowed his eyes at her in confusion.

“Huh… So let’s get started shall we, there are still a lot of  things that need to be done before the city can start rebuilding.” Xander said as he and Graham took a seat at the table. 

“First someone needs to get Scuttio to a witch so that the curse on her can be broken. Unlike David, the curse on the Baby Goth is affecting her mentally and has caged her personality. I should have known when she kept insisting that David needed to be saved. No sane person wants to save someone who fed a friend to a demon.” Xander said honestly remorseful that he hadn’t suggested she be checked for curses or mind manipulation.

“What?” Gibbs and Tony demanded in unison.

“You said it yourself she hated Ziva, then suddenly she was her new best friend and turned on you, then she’s demanding that you help save her after she was told that Ziva David left Tim to be eaten alive by a demon,” Xander said quietly, he looked over at David who looked worried and furious. “David knows who put the whammy on Abby, she probably paid them to do it since Mossad has been known to work with Witches on the greyscale.”

“You will pay for this!” Ziva shouted as she lunged at him, only to be knocked back by Graham. Tony, Gibbs Graham, and Callen, who had been guarding Hetty, all wrestled Ziva back into her chair and used their handcuffs to restrain her to the chair.

“My father will see you pay for this, all of you will pay!” Ziva snarled out.

“That’s going to be hard for him to do when I have G-Man contact the Prime Minister and tell him that your Father is the reason that Abigail Scuttio was cursed and that you have been spying on his orders since you came to this country. He can’t be blamed for Tim or Tony or even for you shooting me, but the rest of the shit, including the murder of Caitlyn Todd, is on him as much as it is on you. Killing your brother so you could get into the good graces of Gibbs was cold, but you are good at being cold.” Xander said with a sharp look at Gibbs, who grimaced and nodded to Xander, he deserved the scorching for that.

Tony sighed and looked at Abby, wondering what to do with her as she started crying over the mention of Kate. God, he hated the whole David family, but he was also worried about Xander. The David family had a lot of allies and even more people who owed them favors, Xander was in grave danger and Tony worried that he had no idea over the dangerous enemy he was making.

“Willow, can you come here a minute?” Xander called making everyone, but Graham, look at him in confusion.

They all jolted when Willow suddenly appeared in the room, she blinked over the crazy woman cuffed to the chair and then narrowed her eyes in speculation as she took in the crying woman. “Wow that is a nasty curse, it’s subverting her will and enslaving her to someone else’s will and wants.” Willow’s words further upset those in the room with them.

“Can you take it off her?” Tony asked, white-faced and horrified.

“Yes, but she needs to be healed from the damage that it has done and that means she will need to come with me so we can put her in a healing coma, like the one that Tim is in at the moment. A curse like the one on her causes neurological damage and also strains the heart. Usually, the shelf life for a curse like this is ten years before it starts driving the one cursed slowly insane. She’s strong mentally so the healing won’t take long and she can go back to her life.” Willow told him gently.

“I want to go with her, please. I don’t want to be a slave!” Abby sobbed out looking miserable and frightened.

“Of course you’ll go with Abigail,” Ducky said before anyone else could make a comment.

“Agreed, do we need to send her to you immediately?” Leon said rage pumping out of him, he would be damned if the David family got away with turning Abby into a slave.

“I can come to you right now and bring her back to the Slayer Headquarters and to the Healers now if you let me appear there,” Willow told him with a gentle smile.

“Yes please come get her,” Leon told Willow, who flashed from one room to the next. She held her hand out to Abby who quickly stood and took Willow’s hand. Still holding Willow’s hand Abby threw her arms around Ducky and the two women disappeared.

“She’ll be guarded and taken care of I promise you all,” Xander told the men and women in the room.

Then Xander’s eye began to glow and a shudder worked through him, he turned to look at John. “She needs to come with us to Atlantis, she’ll never feel safe here again, more she will need a change of scenery while she recovers from years of enslavement. Abby will be a help to the City.” He then turned to look at Ducky and the silent Jimmy Palmer. “We have a place for you both in the Council and more Dr. Palmer is in my vision as the City’s Medical Examiner with his wife. They both have the security clearance to work in the City and you need a Medical Examiner.” Xander told John with a slight smile.

“You saw both of us in your vision?” Jimmy asked wide-eyed.

“I did, I didn’t really see Abby, but I felt her presence on the City, usually that means that the person is supposed to be where I’m seeing the vision take place. Beyond that, wouldn’t you be happy to have your friend and daughter of the heart with you? John her training would be a boon to the City and keep your scientists from having to run the tests that need to be run in an investigation.” Xander added to the Colonel, who nodded his agreement. 

“We’ll need to tell the General, but I don’t see it being a problem, especially since we’ll be able to get back and forth to Earth easily and can easily outfit a lab for her use,” John told Xander and put a hand on his Sentinel’s back. 

At the moment Xander and John were doing everything in their power to control the rage in Tony and Gibbs, both men wanted to kill Ziva where she stood. “I’ll start getting the equipment ordered and will send it to Hetty to pass onto the rest of you. I don’t think there is any doubt that Ziva David is guilty of the crimes she is accused of, she will be brought back to D.C. where she will be tried for espionage and for attempted murder, and other assorted charges, including a charge of attempted murder of both a Sentinel and two Guides. She’ll never see daylight again by the time I’m through with her.” Leon Vance was a man slow to anger and even slower to forgive, Ziva and Eli David would pay for their crimes.

P.S, I guess I should have mentioned that this takes place about a year after Shepard’s death and that it veers off from there and is no longer close to canon. 

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